

"Assurer des perspectives d'avenir aux enfants migrants, en Suisse ou ailleurs!"

L’Alliance pour les droits des enfants migrants (ADEM) est un réseau d'organisations et de professionnels veillant à la défense des droits et intérêts des enfants migrants en Suisse.

Par l'intensification de la collaboration entre les acteurs du domaine, l'échange et la diffusion d'informations relatives aux enfants migrants et l'application de la législation, l'ADEM souhaite améliorer la mise en œuvre de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant en Suisse avec, en ligne de mire, des perspectives d'avenir pour les enfants migrants.

Si tu es un jeune migrant arrivé en Suisse sans tes parents, une rubrique t'est spécialement consacrée. Elle contient des informations sur ton séjour en Suisse, tes droits et tes responsabilités.

Afin de faciliter la lecture, nous utilisons le genre masculin qui inclut naturellement le genre féminin.

Dobar Dan


Aïdjia kedou noukhma

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20 years ago, on February 24 1997, the Swiss State ratified the Convention on the rights of the child!

The Convention on the rights of the child (CRC), which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20 1989, is the most ratified Convention in the world. This international instrument is revolutionary for its recognition of children as actors of society and of their rights.

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Migrant Children: new website

Lausanne/Sion/Geneva/Bern, 23 January 2017 – The Alliance for the Rights of Migrant Children (ADEM) is launching its website! Their platform, offers information and resources for migrant children in Switzerland, as well as the professionals who work with them.

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Editorial by Mélissa Llorens in collaboration with Jean Zermatten (IDE)

Switzerland: ODAE's report

"Switzerland does not fulfil its obligation to protect children due to restrictive migration policy." This was the finding of the Swiss French Speaking Observatory on the Right of Asylum and Foreigners (Observatoire romand du droit d’asile et des étrangers ODAE) in their 8th report, published following World Children’s Day.

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5th ADEM Symposium on the theme of the harmonization of UAM care

The Alliance for the Rights of Migrant Children (ADEM) gathered federal and cantonal authorities, institutions and representatives of NGOs on 10 November in Berne on the theme of harmonizing the care of unaccompanied minors in Switzerland.

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Comunicato dell’ADEM, 18.08.2016

I membri dell’ADEM (1) intendono esprimere la loro preoccupazione riguardo la situazione dei migranti nella regione di Chiasso (Svizzera) e Como (Italia), in particolare quella dei minori non accompagnati, che costituiscono un gruppo chiaramente vulnerabile. I recenti respingimenti verso l’Italia operati dalle autorità svizzere, senza previa valutazione dei bisogni di questi minori, costituiscono una violazione degli obblighi relativi ai diritti dell’infanzia ai quali la Svizzera si è legata con la ratifica della CRC (2).

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